The �Tocchetto� came consumed from the shepherds, during the transumanza from mounts dauni to the plain
of tavoliere. Its crushed shape drift from the fact that came place under the saddleback or the saddlebags of
the just animal one from load. Today for the �Tocchetto� it has been made resorted to a handicraft system,
arranging it between two held aces of wood massello pressed for means of one coiled and tied rope to you.
The goodness of the �produced Tocchetto� from the more valuable part of the suino: the thread, cut to more or
less regular pieces to shape than small rotondeggianti rectangles, of lean aspect a single side introduces a thin
layer of fat person who confers to the �Tocchetto� morbidezza and sapore. Before being insaccato it comes
salato and aromatized with spezie and typical aromas of the place. After some days it comes insaccato in budello
natural, compressed between the aces of wood and at last arranged in wine cellars aired for the stagionatura.
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